The next project I’m working on is a two-song continuation of an EP for a team that has already worked together DRAX. The genre is a mix of EDM and rock but diverging slightly from the past song by introducing a more acoustic sound. I am personally doing the keys and synth recording.
Another member already has written the scratch track as a demo for the two tracks. This makes it easier to combine. I have started the piece by creating simple base chords to then play off for the key signature. The group is a lot larger than the last one and my responsibility is more controlled creatively. This is nice but also means at times I struggle to feel like my input has any affect on the songs. I have also been helping with the documentation with the group leader Dechlan by filling out plans and adding information to the pitch. These next few weeks will prove to be interesting to how the plan will work.
I don’t have much for this update as the scratch tracks, and documentation are already finished. Next week we are planning on recording the vocals and instruments to be able to arrange and have ready for EDM. Hopefully I will be able to incorporate myself into the team effectively to achieve the outcome wanted.