This week has been challenging personally in the works of the project. One side of me is ecstatic to be creatively free whilst another part of me is constantly reminding me of all the failed school compositions and dislike to previous works I have created. To overcome this, I started with the drums and chordal phrase as I needed to grow in confidence in this area. Another factor being I am much more aware of Hip Hop beats over traditional RnB. Another factor was that my team and I are recording phrases and sampling the recordings for the RnB stylistic parts.

This were we finished for the week with a practice session in the Neve studio sampling and hashing out melodies and phrases for sampling. This is to prepare for another session next week. The hardest part was that the other member of the team who was to help in the control room was away for unavoidable reasons and so I had to run everything which was struggle as I am still new to the console. This week continues to be a venture into a life that has been denied to me for many years and growing to know that what I want and that others can’t control me.